Holly, 43, student, married
Q: Who are the people in your photos?
A: My husband, our two cats, my closest friends, and my parents. The tattoo photo represents family as well with each of the four flowers representing my, my husband's, and my parents favourite flowers.

Q: Why did you take these pictures?
A: Because I didn't grow up with family photo albums, I became obsessed with documenting my family myself. I think it's part of why I became a photographer.

Q: What will these photos mean when you look back on them years later?
A:They will mean everything. One day my parents will be gone, as will my cats. My husband and I will grow old, and we can look back and remember what we did together. The photos are also how someone else may keep us alive after we're all gone. Someone will remember us.

Q: Do you think the term "family" has a static meaning, or can it evolve?
A: It evolves for sure. Family can involve the people you were born to, but I think that's only a coincidence. We each make our own families out of those who love us unconditionally. Sometimes those people drive you mad, but you couldn't imagine life without them. That's family.
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